Rideable Material Lifts

Rideable Material Lifts allow personnel to safely travel to varying levels with their material without typical installation and regulatory costs associated with a standard passenger elevator.

Riderlift™ RML Rideable Material Lift

The RiderLift™ RML (Rideable Material Lift) allows authorized personnel to safely travel between levels with their material at a fraction of the cost of an elevator installation. Wildeck is one of the first material handling equipment manufacturers in the U.S. to offer a type B rideable material lift.

Picture for Riderlift™ RML Rideable Material Lift

DriverLift™ Rideable Vehicle Lift

Allows automotive dealerships, motorsports, vehicle storage facilities, private garages, showrooms, and convention facilities to conveniently and safely move their vehicles between floor levels with their owners

Picture for DriverLift™ Rideable Vehicle Lift